Ridgefield Democrats Seek Candidates to Fill Inland Wetlands Board Vacancy

The Ridgefield Democratic Town Committee is seeking candidates to fill a vacant seat on the Inland Wetlands Board. The vacancy is created by the resignation of Inland Wetlands Board member Benjamin Nissim.
The Ridgefield Town Charter requires an elective board, such as the Inland Wetlands Board, to fill a vacancy with a person who is a member of the same political party as the party on whose row the previous member was elected. Since Mr. Nissim, a Democrat, was elected as a Democrat for a term running from November 2023 to November 2027, the Inland Wetlands Board is required to appoint a registered Democrat to fill the seat until the November 2025 municipal election, at which time a person will be elected by Ridgefield voters to serve the final two years of the term to which Mr. Nissim was elected.
The DTC requests that any registered Democrat in Ridgefield, who may be interested in filling this seat, send a statement of interest as well as a resume or biography (or equivalent) to recruitment@ridgefielddems.org, by 1:00pm on August 30, so that a DTC subcommittee may interview potential candidates and the DTC can send an endorsement to the Inland Wetlands Board in a timely manner for its consideration. Interested persons are advised that the Inland Wetlands Board will conduct its own official selection process for filling the vacancy and will have its own separate application process. The Inland Wetlands Board’s process is separate from the DTC’s process. The DTC’s endorsement is advisory to the Inland Wetlands Board.

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