Thank You, Veterans

From World War I to Korea to Vietnam to Desert Storm, every time our nation has called, you have answered.

A few months ago, I was in Normandy, France. I walked Utah and Omaha beaches where U.S. soldiers came ashore in 1944. Omaha beach was particularly bloody. The first contingent ashore took almost 90% casualties. Subsequent waves fought their way foot by foot out of the water and over the long flat beach under constant enemy fire.

At this time in our history, it is worth remembering why the U.S. has stepped into conflict, asking many young men–and, today, also women–to be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice. In 1944, it was to prevent an implacably hostile and militarily aggressive Fascist alliance from dominating the people, resources and industrial might of all of Europe and Asia.

Even protected by two oceans, such an outcome would sooner or later constitute a direct threat to the United States. In that conflict, the U.S. was the indispensable nation, without which the forces of Fascism would have prevailed.

To all of our veterans of all of our wars and conflicts, I say this: Observance of Veterans Day reminds us of our commitment to the nation’s founding principles. They are principles that inspired you to answer the call to serve. We should not abandon them–not least because we then dishonor you.

Arny DiLaura
Chair, Ridgefield Democratic Town Committee